Another working week over and time for a few holes of golf. The course is surprisingly wet considering the time of year - goodness knows what it will be like in February. Mind you, it could be under a blanket of snow if this year is anything to go by.
Should I or shouldn't I? Buy a solo tent. Part of me would love to go wild camping but part of me thinks it would be a waste of money. Would I ever use it? Would I be a wus? I've been very close to splashing out on the Wild Country Solo Lite for just over £100. See here for a review.
Just been reading Michael O'Leary's latest thoughts. What a twat. The Greenpeace comments are spot on.
Mike and Fiona arriving shortly and hopefully my "Thunderbird opening 2 times" problem will be solved.
And while Bro and Fi and spent the evening knocking back the red wine, MJ sat in a freezing cold room trying to fathom out why TB opens twice when there is no Startup icon, no entry in msconfig and no mention in the registry. By the time this was resolved, the wine had been finished and the coffee had gone cold. Still, at least the homemade chutney remained safely in the fridge.